

Nggak tau kenapa, meski nggak ketemu tapi cuman text-ing sama kamu seharian bisa bikin aku se hepi ini :)

Somehow I do realize that maybe I was made for you. Like just today you borrow money from me.
That money I had was planed to be uses for our yesterday date. But then I think it's not to necessary to drawn them. So I didn't take it from ATM.  Then suddenly you called me to borrow some money from me. The amount you ask was exactly precise.

Kalau aja kemaren aku ambil separuhnya aja. Kamu nggak bakalan bisa pinjem uang itu.
Nah itulah kenapa aku sadar kenapa aku berpikiran kalau nggak usah ambil uang dulu hari itu. Buat jaga2 kalo ada apa2. Hem so that's you.

I don't think it's just a coincidence. Maybe I was really made for you. :)

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